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Panasonic EW6021 by
GTimofey, on Flickr
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http://www.globaloutlet.com/panasonic-therapy-ew-6021-portable-electrotherapy-unit.htmlгде информация на английском, вот в частности назначение девайса.
The Therapy stimulation current devices from Panasonic are TUV-tested medical products subject to regular control based on the latest TENS technology. The abbreviation TENS stands for Transcutaneous (through the skin) Electrical Nerve Stimulation.This method of therapy, which is acknowledged throughout the world and has few side effects, can be used to interrupt the transmission of pain signals via the nerve paths. Scientific studies have also shown that it encourages the body to produce its own pain-inhibiting substances (endorphins), thus helping to ensure fast pain relief. The human body is a good conductor of electricity so that there can be long distances between the electrode pads applied without any interruption in current.Panasonic electrothreapy unituses gentle or strong impulses that go deep into the body‘s tissues, to relax muscles, relieve or block pain or encourage the circulation, depending on the type of stimulation involved. To block pain the so-called gate control mechanism is used. The transmission of pain signals to the brain is interrupted by overlaying electrical stimulation pulses of the nerve paths. Panasonic Therapy can be used for the following urposes: Chronic and acute pain e.g. back pain, lumbago, sciatica, tension, rheumatic discomfort, neuralgia. Rehabilitation e.g. building up muscles, disturbed sensation in muscles and nerves, stimulating circulation. Sports injuries and strain e.g. tennis elbow, pulled muscles, muscle ache, pain in the shoulder and joints, tensionNB: Do not use if you suffer with arrhythmia (irregular heart beat), have a pacemaker or other implants, have a tendency towards cramp attacks, are pregnant, have broken or irritated skin.
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